Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

47 // Making Brave Decisions

In this episode, I share a personal update from my life at the moment in relation to making difficult decisions. We reflect on our past difficult decisions, what decisions we might be facing today in the present, and why they are sometimes so important to make for our wellbeing.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

46 // Cyclical Business Episode: Investing In Support

I've decided to launch one episode a month on running a "cyclical business." Running a cyclical business aims to integrate the values of inclusion, self-care, feminism, menstrual cycle awareness, and anti-oppressive values into the ways we do business and marketing.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

45 // Trauma And Chronic Pain

In this episode, I chat with you all about what role trauma plays in chronic pain. I explore different types of traumas, what happens in the body and how to start thinking about trauma healing work in your body. Learn about the fight/flight response and why trauma causes inflammation in the body.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

44 // Trauma And The Mind-Body Connection

In this episode, which is a follow-on from episode 43, I explore the mind-body connection when it comes to trauma. We chat about coming back into the body, what role the mind also plays, why our thoughts are still important alongside our feelings. I explain what happens, not just in the body on the somatic level, but also the types of thoughts we have when we are in a hijacked trauma response such as the fight/flight and freeze response.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

43 // What Is Trauma?

In this episode we chat about what trauma is, how it impacts us, why it's important to be trauma-informed in the women's health space, how I work with it, trauma and the menstrual cycle, and more!

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

40 // An End Of Year Endometriosis Update

In this episode I share a personal update with my journey with endometriosis as I approach the end of the year. This is relevant for anyone with any kind of chronic pain condition, trauma, or PMDD.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

32 // Showing Up For Yourself

In this episode I talk about what it means to show up for yourself and the different ways we can do that. Sometimes we can't always feel amazing, peaceful, or joyous, but we can take small actions towards showing up for ourselves.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

30 // The Power Of Support

In this episode I speak to the power and magic of getting support in your life. There are so many ways we can access support. And even though it might not seem like an exciting topic, there is true alchemy when we lean into support.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

28 // What To Do When You Get Triggered

I was asked by a client in a group I was facilitating recently what she should do when she gets emotionally triggered. This week's podcast is inspired by this question. I do my best to answer this from my point of view.

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Lisa de Jong Lisa de Jong

27 // The Importance Of Integration

In this episode I speak about the power and importance of integration, what happens in the body and nervous system exactly, and how you can do it. Integration is an important step to take after a coaching or therapy session.

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