32 // Showing Up For Yourself

In this episode I talk about what it means to show up for yourself and the different ways we can do that.

Sometimes we can't always feel amazing, peaceful, or joyous, but we can take small actions towards showing up for ourselves.

I also share a recent personal story of a trip to a day spa and how it didn't turn out as I had hoped.

This mindset for showing up for ourselves is incredibly important when we are on a journey of recovery with chronic pain, trauma, endometriosis, PCOS, or PMDD.

Some showing up for yourself suggestions:

  • Menstrual Cycle Tracking

  • Marking your Inner Seasons

  • Prioritising things on your long list

  • Prioritise small actions over feelings

  • What else comes to mind for you?

Menstrual Cycle Tracking Journal:

Read to get started with your healing journey? I offer 1:1 personalised coaching to support you get to where you want to go. Or you can start with a free course:

Interested in training with me for your professional practice? I have a 6-month Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification Programme starting soon! Click below to find out more:


33 // Menstrual Cycle Awareness As A Healing Tool For PMDD — With Liz Moreton


31 // What Is Power? And How Do You Access Yours?