35 // Cosmetics And The Beauty Industry

In this episode, we chat about the role cosmetics and the beauty industry has on our hormonal health and on our relationship with ourselves.

The cosmetics and beauty industry is a huge industry that plays a role in our every day lives. Having a relationship with cosmetics and beauty allows for us to feel empowered in our bodies and in ourselves. However, are we paying a price in terms of our hormonal health?

Let's chat about just that! Our relationship with cosmetics, choosing better cosmetics for your hormonal health, and a reflection on our past and where all this came from.

I also share my own personal journey with cosmetics, skincare, acne, feeling insecure and shame.

Resources mentioned:

Read to get started with your healing journey? I offer 1:1 personalised coaching to support you get to where you want to go. Or you can start with a free course:

Interested in training with me for your professional practice? I have a 6-month Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification Programme starting soon! Click below to find out more:


36 // Have You Met Your Inner Wise Woman, Your Cailleach, Your Jaguar?


34 // Reclaiming Our Relationship With Sport & Movement