18 // Menstrual Cycle Coach Graduate Story – With Paula Byrne

In this episode, I am joined by a former student and graduate of my Menstrual Cycle Coaching and Facilitation Certification, Paula Byrne.

We chat through her story from pain to power with period pain, how the professional training was for her, and some exciting news about how she is bringing this work to schools around the country.

Paula shares with me her personal lived experience of pain, her journey with the pill, and with endometriosis.

It wasn't until she discovered Menstrual Cycle Awareness and the mind-body connection that things really turned around for her.

She shares that the Menstrual Cycle Coaching Professional Training was the most enjoyable professional training she has ever been on and that it has made such a difference in both her personal and professional life.

I also talk about my experience of group facilitation and what I learned for myself as the facilitator of this course.

The topics discussed are:

  • Paula’s journey of pain to power

  • Period pain and endometriosis

  • The Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification

  • Polyvagal Theory & Nervous System Regulation

  • Bringing menstrual education to schools around the country

  • Paula’s journey with Social Entrepreneurs Ireland

Find Paula’s work on Instagram at: @appleblossomcholistic

Read more about the Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification here. Spaces available now!

Read to get started with your healing journey? I offer 1:1 personalised coaching to support you get to where you want to go. Or you can start with an online course:

Interested in training with me for your professional practice? I have a 6-month Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification Programme starting soon! Click below to find out more:


19 // A From Pain To Power Client & Graduate Journey – With Rachel Lewis


17 // Recovering From PMDD