67 // Reclaiming Body Sovereignty After Institutional Trauma ~ With Elizabeth Tidwell

Elizabeth Tidwell joins me today to speak about reconnecting with herself after leaving a high-demand religion, and how menstrual cycle awareness has played a key role in her journey.

A graduate of the 2022-2023 Menstrual Cycle Coaching and Facilitation Professional Training, Elizabeth Tidwell is a menstrual cycle coach who helps women and menstruators learn vital body literacy and facilitates a deeper relationship between their cycles, bodies and whole selves.

She is also a mom and the founder of My Club Red, a hormone-friendly period self-care subscription box designed to transform menstruators' periods into a time of self-nurture, radical rest and self-connecting ritual.

We talked about:

  • Elizabeth's self-proclaimed transformational experience after participating in the Menstrual Cycle Coaching and Facilitation Professional Training

  • The impact of institutional trauma

  • Coming back to a place of personal sovereignty after leaving a high-demand religion

  • Reclaiming one's relationship with their menstrual cycle

  • The importance of a mindful approach to bringing menstrual cycle coaching into the world

  • Elizabeth's new group program

Elizabeth's work:

Elizabeth's website

Elizabeth's Instagram

Click here to get the professional training application.

Read to get started with your healing journey? I offer 1:1 personalised coaching to support you get to where you want to go. Or you can start with a free course:

Interested in training with me for your professional practice? I have a 6-month Menstrual Cycle Coaching Certification Programme starting soon! Click below to find out more:


68 // Sneak Peek Into The 2023 Menstrual Cycle Coaching And Facilitation Professional Training


66 // Cyclical Business Episode: Exploring Uncertainty ~ With Briana Villegas