26 // Pleasure, Power, and Patriarchy – With Dr. Shirley Graham

In this episode, I invited my good friend Shirley onto the podcast, or Dr. Shirley Graham! We had a lovely and engaging conversation on all things pleasure, power, and patriarchy.

Tune to listen to hear about Shirley's work as the Director of the Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs (GEIA) in the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington D.C, USA.

We also talked about how she looks after herself in terms of self-care and spirituality to sustain her in this feminist work

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Women’s right to pleasure

  • Pleasure and shame

  • Gender inequality

  • Feminist foreign policy

  • Women’s rights

  • The impact of patriarchy and power structures

  • Shirley’s professional work in the feminist academic arena

  • Self-care and spirituality

Dr. Shirley Graham is the Director of the Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs (GEIA) which convenes the George Washington University/Elliott School of International Affairs curriculum and engagement in the policy and practice of promoting and achieving gender equality globally. She teaches two graduate courses on Global Gender Policy and Gender, War and Peace; and an undergraduate course on Women in Global Politics.

Shirley is a member of the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace & Security (CSWG) a coalition of experts serving to inform and educate U.S. Congress, the Administration and civil society on Women, Peace & Security (WPS) thematic areas. She is the founder of the D.C. Student Consortium on Women, Peace & Security which brings together students from several D.C. universities to critically analyze gaps in the WPS policy agenda, develop new research projects, and advocate for gender equality in all decision-making processes.

Shirley received her PhD on Gender & International Peacekeeping from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth in 2014. She has an MA in International Affairs from Dublin City University where she is a research fellow at the Institute for International Conflict Resolution & Reconstruction (IICRR).

Shirley's LinkedIn

Shirley’s Website and Mailing List

Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs (GEIA) website
GEIA Instagram
GEIA Facebook
GEIA Twitter

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27 // The Importance Of Integration


25 // The Inner Critic Series Part 4: Integrate The Critic