Lisa de Jong

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My Cycle has my Back

Hello world!

It's been a long while since I've been active on my site and involved in Menstruality work. I've been in a deep winter and am now emerging a little stiff-limbed and wondering - was it all a dream?

Since January, I've been through huge change in my life, much of it not anticipated. I moved home, country, changed jobs and ended a relationship. It all happened at the same time and boy did it bring up grief and all the thoughts and feelings that come with big life transitions - sadness, anger, confusion, relief, hope, sadness again, grief, fear, desire, regret, guilt, sadness again, some joy, connection.

Thankfully I've had very loving friends and family around me, and I honestly can say that I wouldn't be where I am today without my work and practice in Menstrual Cycle Awareness. Practicing this way of living cyclically, understanding and honouring my inner world from a cyclical perspective has really helped me to process my difficult feelings as well as know how best to look after myself and make decisions that needed to be made. I'm forever grateful for this work, even when it's this work itself that encouraged me to face truths that needed to be acknowledged and addressed. 

Sometimes it's easier to ignore and just get on with life even when things aren't good or when we're not happy because change can bring up so much uncertainty, which is incredibly uncomfortable. But I'll tell you this - Menstrual Cycle Awareness is a gentle approach to true self-care and when you go through change like that, it always has your back! It allows us to go into the inner winter of ourselves safely, knowing we are being held, knowing spring and summer are just around the corner.

So, with that, I'm really glad to be back here writing to you again and am so happy to feel called back to this important work. I'm excited for the future of this blog and I thank you for reading and bringing your curiosity to this work. I've so much to share and I look forward to bringing it here. 

I will leave you with a podcast that was published by my good friend and coach, Jessica May Tang recently where we discuss Menstrual Cycle Awareness, the inner seasons and how to work with our cycle to support our lives.

You can check out the podcast and Jessica's site by clicking on the image:

You can also watch us recording the podcast episode on YouTube here: 

Thank you for reading and listening dear ones! I will make sure to drop back in here soon with more teachings on Menstrual Cycle Awareness and the cyclical nature of things!



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See this content in the original post